7 Ways to Market your gear rental on FriendWithA

2 min read

So you've just listed your item for rent on FriendWithA, now what? Well FriendWithA does it's best job to find potential renters for your item, but the most successful lenders are also proactive about their rental.

7 Ways to Market your gear rental on FriendWithA
April 16, 2020

7 steps to help you market your gear on FriendWithA


So you've just listed your item for rent on FriendWithA, now what? Well FriendWithA does it's best job to find potential renters for your item, but the most successful lenders are also proactive about their rental. Below are some tips how you can increase the number of rentals for your gear.


1. List your gear on other marketplaces

The most people are on FB and Craigslist. Go to FB marketplace and Craigslist and list your gear on the marketplaces.

2. Share your gear rental on FB

Create a FB page for your rentals, join local groups and share photos with others online.

3. Run specials

During busy weekends, get a little extra business by offering specials on your rental.

4. Get Reviews

Getting reviews on your listing is the best way to generate trust. Get a few reviews to make your listing stand out.

5. Take high quality photos

No one wants to rent something that looks dirty, low light and unappealing. Invest in your rental and take some nice photos of your gear. High quality photos will go a long way in getting you more rentals.

6. Tag us on social @friendwitha

When you’re posting on your different social media accounts, tag us and we will like your content and help you spread the word about your gear rental

7. If it shows, it grows

Let us know if you want business cards or bumper stickers for your gear. We will send you some FriendWithA swag to proudly showcase your new gear rental.


Know any other ways to market your rental gear? Drop a comment below and if it's a good idea, we will add it to our list.

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