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The 7 best electric skateboards of 2022
Sept. 21, 2019

The 7 best electric skateboards of 2022

8 min read

With so many gnarly electric skateboards currently on the market, it’s no surprise that the 7 best electric skateboards of 2022 are composed of a mixture of popular past classics and fresh newcomers to the scene.

Is the Onewheel worth $1,800?
Dec. 19, 2018

Is the Onewheel worth $1,800?

6 min read

Everyone has different value systems when it comes to what they’re happy to spend their money on. A college student’s $1,800 isn’t the same as $1,800 to a 39 year-old homeowner’s. That being said, some things can earn their cost pretty easily like a games console that sees a lot of hours or a mountain bike that rides a lot of miles. So where does the Onewheel fit into that spectrum...and is it really worth the price?

Best Beginner Snowboard Tips
Nov. 5, 2018

Best Beginner Snowboard Tips

8 min read

The wild mountains are full of twists, turns, and people flying on their snowboards. You’ve never seen people look so free, and you want to try it out.

Online Garage Sale Tips
Oct. 30, 2018

Online Garage Sale Tips

6 min read

Organizing a garage sale is one of the best ways get rid of junk and earn some extra cash.

Simple Housewarming Party Ideas
Oct. 27, 2018

Simple Housewarming Party Ideas

5 min read

If you’ve just settled into your new home and feel ready to show it off, you might be thinking about throwing a housewarming party.

Rent out your drone
Sept. 14, 2018

Rent out your drone

1 min read

Don't you wish your little drone buddy could spend its days exploring the skies instead of collecting dust in your closet? On Friend With A you'll find people willing to take it for a flight and pay you for it!

How FriendWithA was born.
Aug. 23, 2018

How FriendWithA was born.

3 min read

It was that eureka moment when Stefan thought, yes! This is what the world has been waiting for, a boat sharing company! Thus the idea of “Boaties” came to life!